Ground Ambulance Surprise Billing Committee Will Back Rate Setting, Medicare On-Site Coverage
A panel of experts will recommend in a formal report to Congress that ground ambulance-related balance bills should be settled using a rate-setting benchmark rather than arbitration, according to one member of the panel; in addition, the report will recommend that Medicare should begin to cover care that is delivered by ambulance personnel but does not result in a hospital transport. The report is under review by CMS, and is expected to kick off another battle on Capitol Hill over surprise billing policy.
Balance or surprise billing generally occurs when a person unwittingly receives care from an out-of-network provider and is then billed by that provider for whatever balance remains after insurance reimbursement. According to a member of the panel, the report will recommend that balance bills for ground ambulance care should be banned in virtually all circumstances, including emergency transports to a hospital, interfacility transports and care delivered by EMTs in the field that does not result in a transport to a hospital.