News Briefs: Connecticut AG Scolds Insurers for High Rate Hike Requests
Connecticut’s top law enforcement official is coming out swinging against big rate hikes requested by health insurers that sell plans in the state’s individual and small-group markets. In an Aug. 15 letter to Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew Mais, Attorney General William Tong points out that the state’s Insurance Dept. may only approve rates that are not “excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory,” and insurers must provide “transparent, factually supported actuarial analysis” to justify their rates. “In at least the case of Cigna’s 14.9 percent increase in the small group market, Anthem’s 9.8 percent increase in the individual group and 14.9 percent increase in the small group market, and ConnectiCare’s 17.5 percent increase in the individual market, the insurers have failed to meet that burden and their requests must be rejected,” Tong wrote.