‘Buy American’ Executive Order Could Impact Specialty Drugs
President Donald Trump has issued another executive order focused on the pharmaceutical industry: a so-called “Buy American” order. While the approach presents some benefits, industry experts maintain that several challenges exist to its implementation, not the least of which is that it’s coming in the middle of a pandemic. And multiple specialty therapies may be impacted by it.
The order, signed Aug. 6, comes only a couple of weeks after the president signed a handful of executive orders focused on drug pricing. One of them, a most-favored nation order, was criticized by industry experts as a last-ditch effort before the Nov. 3 election to show the country that the administration is doing something about drug prices (RSP 8/20, p. 1). At the same time, critics argued that it’s taking away from efforts to develop therapeutics and vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic. The president held off on publicizing that order with the other three on July 24, saying that he was giving pharma one month to come up with alternatives. As of RSP press time on Sept. 9, that order had not been made public.