Specialty Pharmacies Have Many Roles to Play During Outbreak
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its assault on the globe and the U.S. passes 12,000 deaths from it, all eyes are on the health care industry. While the public looks to pharma manufacturers for potential treatments and vaccines, labs for testing to detect the virus, and providers and others in their realm for being on the front line of the defense against it, specialty pharmacies still have a vital role to play.
“During this unprecedented time, specialty pharmacies need to be nimble and possess the flexibility necessary to continue serving patients while keeping team members safe,” says John Stephens, vice president, transformation and growth at AllianceRx Walgreens Prime. At that specialty pharmacy, 75% of employees are working from home, with the rest “still working on site to dispense and ship lifesaving medications. Ship-to-home is the basic skill or capability keeping people out of pharmacies and hospitals, especially since specialty patients are more at risk due to the pandemic.”