woman-receiving-chemo-therapy-inside-a-hospital woman-receiving-chemo-therapy-inside-a-hospital

P&T Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer

Syndicated P&T Session: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

In August 2020 MMIT conducted a syndicated IDN P&T session on Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, focused on the entry of two new medications; capmatinib (Tabrecta) from Novartis, and tepotinib from Merck. The two targeted drugs were indicated for the treatment of adult patients with METex14 skipping mutation NSCLC.

Learn how you can use P&T Perspectives to:

  • Gain an understanding of the impact of these agents in NSCLC treatment, and how that might impact your brand.
  • Boost your brand by identifying the key differentiators and any unforeseen access barriers
  • Gain insights for creating your optimum pricing strategy
  • And more

Interested in obtaining the full video and learning more about how you can take advantage of P&T Perspectives?

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