
Why Join
Our Panel?

Are you a decision-maker who meets with pharmaceutical manufacturers?

Receive support from a dedicated team focused on improving your experience and answering any questions you may have.

Why Join Our Panel?

  • Earn honoraria for your expertise
  • Make your voice heard and improve payer and IDN/pharma partnerships
  • Access exclusive data and reports to stay on top of industry trends
  • Receive bonuses for increased participation


Learn More About Joining Our Panel Community

“Zitter Insights has been a great company to work with. The surveys are user friendly and their panelist outreach is superb. Working with Zitter’s team has given me better insight on various questions I can ask pharmaceutical manufacturers in negotiations and clinical presentations.”

— Contracting Director

“As a managed care decision-maker, I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback in a discreet manner to our pharmaceutical liaison counterparts. Receiving similar insights back from a curated peer group of fellow decision-makers is especially helpful. The Zitter platform is easy to use and quick to complete.”

— Clinical Pharmacist

Earn Honoraria & Bonuses


Make Your Voice Heard

  • Contribute your expert opinions to improve payer and IDN/pharma partnerships
  • Fits in your schedule with online surveys on your time
  • Dedicated panel team there to field any questions and improve panelist experience.

Zitter Panel FAQ

Who is Zitter Insights/MMIT?

Acquired in early 2019, Zitter Insights is a division of MMIT that brings market research and helps address the “why” of market access. Our Zitter Insights panel represents top health plans, PBMs and IDNs to provide meaningful insights to our clients.

Who can join?

We have a variety of studies for those that are decision-makers in health plans and IDNs. A general list of titles we look for are: Medical Directors, Pharmacy Directors, Contracting Managers, Quality Manager, Chief Medical Officers, Chief Population Health Officers, P&T Committee Members, Clinical Pharmacists, and more!

What kind of studies do you do?

We conduct a variety of different research studies across many different platforms. Some of these include web-based surveys, Internet assisted teleconferences/web conferences, and live telephone interviews.

Will people know who I am?

It is the intent of ZHI to ensure advisors’ anonymity at all times. While your responses will be associated with your organization, your name will never be made available to client sponsors, other panelists, or anyone outside of our company. To protect your anonymity, at no time will a query be performed which would give both title and organization to a sponsor. Only queries aggregated by organization or title will be performed. As part of sponsors’ engagement, each has agreed not to share any information from this survey outside of its organization and to never refer to, copy, and/or distribute any information from this survey.

How will I get paid for surveys?

After we receive a completed W-9 and panelist agreement, your honoraria will be sent directly to you or your charity of choice.

Will I receive anything else for participating?

In addition to study honoraria, our active panelists receive regular highlights from our research to stay up to date on industry trends!

Can I speak to someone about joining?

Yes! Please email and a member of our team will be in touch shortly to answer any questions you may have.