Understand Payer and Provider Behavior

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Gain visibility into payer, provider and IDN perspectives.

How do providers and payers view your drug’s efficacy data? What drives prescribing patterns? How can you influence the positioning of your drug? MMIT’s payer and provider insights solutions help you fine-tune your commercialization strategies to improve market access and increase utilization of your products.

P&T Perspectives

Prepare for Your Drug’s P&T Review

P&T Perspectives provides qualitative payer feedback on your brand and competitors via a simulated review with actual committee members. Predict restrictions, test your product profile, and hear how pricing impacts formulary placement.

Message Monitor

Capture Payer Insights and Brand Perceptions

Our Message Monitor solution captures payer and IDN perspectives on your brand, messaging and competitors. Gain actionable insights on your current strategy to better position your product against the competition.

Rapid Response

Improve Your Strategy With Payer Market Research

Our Rapid Response solution provides quantitative, actionable answers to your key business questions from a representative sample of payers and IDNs. Validate your market access hypotheses and gain insights on disruptive events.

Biologics and Injectables Index

View Unblinded Payer and Provider Perceptions

Our Biologics and Injectables Index, along with our Oncology Index, provides field research from health plan, PBM, provider and IDN decision-makers. Explore HCP prescription patterns, site of care dynamics, payer reactions and more.

Oncology Index

View Unblinded Payer and Provider Perceptions

Our Biologics and Injectables Index, along with our Oncology Index, provides field research from health plan, PBM, provider and IDN decision-makers. Explore HCP prescription patterns, site of care dynamics, payer reactions and more.

Consulting Services

Partner With Our Market Access Experts

Preeminent consultants from MMIT can help you achieve your market access goals. We help perfect your strategy for pricing and contracting, distribution, provider engagement, and performance management.

Custom Market Research

Get Answers for Critical Market Access Issues

Custom Market Research leverages our panel of active P&T participants and access deciders for health plans, PBMs, providers and IDNs. Our insights can help you defend your market share, launch a new strategy, or prepare for the loss of exclusivity.