Effectively Communicate With Payers at Drug Launch

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Engage payers and IDNs with the right messaging at the right time.

Knowing how payers, PBMs, and IDNs will respond to your drug’s value proposition, brand messaging, and reimbursement strategy is critical for a successful launch. MMIT’s suite of payer communication products help you predict uptake, anticipate reactions, share changes, analyze shifts, and understand competitors’ positioning in advance.

Payer Communication Program

Send Pricing and Coding Updates Directly to Payers

Our Payer Communication Program lets you deliver custom messaging to 100+ health plans covering more than 130 million lives. Ensure timely reimbursement by informing payers of new drugs, indications, codes and pricing.

Message Monitor

Refine Your Brand Messaging to Engage Key Payers

Our Message Monitor solution captures payer and IDN perspectives on your brand, messaging and competitors. Gain actionable insights on the efficacy and reach of your current strategy and predict payer behavior in advance.

Rapid Response

Improve Your Strategy With Payer Market Research

Our Rapid Response solution provides quantitative, actionable answers to your key business questions from a representative sample of payers and IDNs in 10 business days. Validate your market access hypotheses and gain insights on disruptive events.


Clarify Payer Perspectives With Just-in-Time Feedback

Our Engage solution provides quick insights on key business questions with a 24-hour turnaround. Make smarter decisions with immediate responses from payer and IDN decision makers via an interactive discussion board.

MMIT Reach

Amplify Your Payer Outreach Strategy

Our MMIT Reach solution serves as a current, validated source of truth for payer and PBM contact information. Simplify persona-based segmentation of payer decision-makers and ensure your ability to reach your top targets.

Multi-Channel Message Testing

Track and Improve Your Messaging Impact

Our Multi-Channel Message Testing solution helps you assess the efficacy, reach, and ROI of your current payer and IDN messaging. Evaluate responses to content and visuals, identify priority channels, and adjust your focus.

Payer Messaging Playbook

Circumvent Payer Pain Points With Advanced Insights

Our Payer Messaging Playbook solution helps your team predict payer behavior and preferences prior to a meeting. Identify competitor cross-portfolio strategies and tailor your strategy accordingly.