Understand How a Patient Gets On or Off Therapy

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To track real-life care, you need real-world data.
Lab and Claims

Follow a Patient Cohort From Diagnosis to Treatment

Our Lab and Claims data helps you track the critical events and triggers along the patient journey. Understand patient location, stratification, and referral patterns, and identify the impact of adverse events, outcomes, care settings and cost.

RWD Visualizations

Understand and Mitigate Barriers to Patient Access

Our RWD Visualizations solution combines coverage, claims, lab and pathways data to enable longitudinal data analysis of your patients. Explore the patient journey to understand the impact of denials, substitutions, prescribing patterns, and more.

RWD Insights

Transform Real-World Data Into Actionable Insights

Use Norstella proprietary datasets to evaluate key business questions and objectives, conduct deeper data, and create a report with insights layered into each analysis and the overall implications to your strategy.